Eric Reiss
Eric Reiss má za sebou širokou škálu pracovních míst: klavírista, senior copywriter, opravář klavírů, tvůrce dobrodružných her a režisér. Jeho zkušenosti ho obdivuhodně připravily na práci designera, obsahového stratéga, informačního architekta a experta na použitelnost, ačkoliv nedokáže přesně vysvětlit jak.
Byl dvakrát prezidentem Institutu informační architektury a profesorem použitelnosti a designu na IE Business School v španělském Madridu. Dnes je generálním ředitelem skupiny FatDUX v dánské Kodani, přední UX společností s kancelářemi a spolupracovníky ve více než tuctu měst po celém světě. Má na svém kontě několik knih, včetně nejprodávanějšího "Usable usability", která je nyní k dispozici v pěti jazycích.
An introduction to service design
Service design combines key elements from user-experience design, interaction design, and quality management to create long-term value. In this full-day workshop, you’ll discover the basic elements of each of these disciplines and how they work together to raise customer satisfaction, increase conversions, and enhance key events along the customer journey.
Who This Workshop is For
UX/UI practitioners of any level
Product teams and managers
Business executives, and startup founders that want to learn how to be more strategically sound in their process.
What you will learn
- How service design relates to user experience
- How you can create value even with a small budget
- How you can move projects from subjective guesswork to measurable success
- How you can inspire teams and service providers
- How you can get the most out of service-design tools including:
- User-centered-design basics (UCD)
- Touchpoint analyses
- Customer journey maps
- Use cases
- User scenarios
- Storyboards
- Personas
- Proof of concept / performance metrics
And finally, we will bring these together to create a service-design blueprint that helps you create a shared frame of reference for your team, provides overview, and helps pinpoint problems waiting for an innovative service solution!
This is a true workshop and our day together will be marked by several hands-on exercises. Not only are these fun, but they help you internalize the key features of service design so you can provide greater value for your employer or clients from the very next day.
08:30 – Registration
09:00 – Introduction to user-experience and service design
09:45 – Fleshing out the service-design blueprint
10:30 – Morning break
11:00 – Creating a touchpoint analysis
11:45 – On-stage and backstage actors and support systems
12:30 – Lunch
13:30 – Scenarios, use cases, storyboards
15:00 – Afternoon break
15:30 – Service evidence – demonstrating measurable value
16:45 – Putting theory into practice
17:00 – Finish
Budova Churchill I
Italská 2581/67
120 00 Praha - Vinohrady
Czech Republic